Post 20:
Are Masturbation, Menstrual Sex and Oral Sex Justified Among Christians? (2)
Are Masturbation, Menstrual Sex and Oral Sex Justified Among Christians? (2)
Sexual perverse
activities are among the reasons why God cast out those pagans from the
Promised Land and transferred it to the Israelites. God warned the Israelites
that if they committed the same atrocities, He would throw them out as well
(Leviticus 18:24-30).
It is a perversion when the natural use of an item is converted into an unnatural use. In the sexual arena, it is a sexual perversion when the natural use of a sexual organ is converted into an unnatural use. What is the male penis doing in the anus of a man or woman known as anal sex? What is the penis doing in the mouth of a woman known as fellatio or oral sex? what is a candle doing in the vagina known as female masturbation? These are unnatural and ungodly processes known as sexual perverse activities.
It is a perversion when the natural use of an item is converted into an unnatural use. In the sexual arena, it is a sexual perversion when the natural use of a sexual organ is converted into an unnatural use. What is the male penis doing in the anus of a man or woman known as anal sex? What is the penis doing in the mouth of a woman known as fellatio or oral sex? what is a candle doing in the vagina known as female masturbation? These are unnatural and ungodly processes known as sexual perverse activities.
It is highly
atrocious and scandalous for Christian brethren to come out openly on social
media to declare that they indulge in masturbation, menstrual sex and oral sex
and be proud of it. This is the result of apostasy (Romans 1:24-32) which is one of the signs and spirits of the end times.
2 Timothy
4:3-4 say,
‘For a time
will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts
shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall
turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables’.
1Timothy 4:1
‘…that in
the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing
spirits and doctrines of devils’
In this Last
Day, churches and ministries are springing up everywhere in every nook and
cranny but the number of regenerated Christians is decreasing. Many are
Christians in the church but are not in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Many are
in the church but are not growing in grace. They worship God with their lips
but their hearts are far away from Him (Isaiah 29:13).
The problem
of the modern day church lies in her Ministers. Many ministers are preaching
their own messages for public acclaim which is for vainglory rather than preach
to the congregation what God wants them to hear.
Isaiah 58:1
‘Cry aloud,
spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their
transgression and the house of Jacob their sins’.
The basic
reason why Jesus came and died for men was to save fallen man from his sins
(Matthew 1:21). Therefore the salvation of the soul of man and deliverance from
the yoke of sin is the basic essence of the gospel of salvation and the basic
message to be preached by Ministers of the Gospel to their congregation.
many ministers are preaching misleading messages and fanciful topics to a
congregation whose lives are bound in sin. The spiritual growth and development
of the flock should be the basic occupation of a true Minister of the Gospel
who has not derailed from his calling.
Many churches
and ministries are busy preaching and teaching about prosperity in terms of
money, riches and success on earth. They are focusing on a materialistic
revival rather than a regenerative revival that translates souls from darkness
to light and from death to life. This runs contrary to Matthew 6:33.
God is
looking for those whose hearts are perfect toward Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). The heart
of man is the factory of his life where his thoughts are processed either for
good or evil. Since the sad fall of man in Eden, his heart became evil and desperately
wicked (Mark 7:21-23).
The state of
the heart of a man determines the fruit that manifests outwardly. There is a
linkage between our hearts and behavior. Out of the abundance of the heart, the
mouth speaks. Matthew 7:16-20 says that a tree is known by its fruit. A corrupt
tree cannot bring forth good fruit just as a good tree cannot produce evil
fruit. If the heart is corrupted and polluted, it is certain that the outward
manifestation will show in corrupt conversation, immoral dressing and the like.
indulgence in masturbation, menstrual sex, oral sex and the other sexual
perverse activities is evidence of a corrupt and polluted heart that has
strayed far away from the Lord. A Christian is called unto holiness within and
without because the God in heaven is holy (Leviticus 11:44) (Leviticus 20:26)
(Hebrews 12:14).
Leviticus 20:26
‘And you
shall be holy unto me: for I the lord am holy, and have severed you from other
people, that you should be mine’
A Christian is
a called out personality, called out of the world to be a saint and a light to
the world (Matthew 5:14) (1 Corinthians 1:1-3). Geographically, he is resident
in the world but spiritually, he is not of the world. He does not allow the
corrupted ways of the world to contaminate him.
Corinthians 6:17 says,
come out from among them, and be you separate, saith the Lord, and touch not
the unclean thing; and I will receive you’.
menstrual sex, oral sex and the other sexual perversions are unclean things and
the ways of the world. The opinion that because one is married, he is at
liberty to engage in indecent sexual practices is a doctrine of demons to
derail people to hell.
Marriage is
to be conducted in holiness; therefore indecent sexual practices are not
allowed in marriage.
Why should a Christian husband, in whom the Spirit of God is,
be licking the vagina of his wife in the name of deriving sexual pleasure? It is
a detestable, vile, unnatural and ungodly act (Romans 1:24-32). Why should the
male penis be inserted into the mouth of a woman? There are decent foreplay practices
for arousal and sexual pleasure. God created sex for sexual pleasure but not through perverse activities.
If truly one
is in Christ, the Spirit of God will bear witness with his spirit that he is a
child of God (Romans 8:16). A true child of God has no fellowship with the
works of darkness (1 John 1:6). He walks in the spirit and does not live after
the flesh (Romans 8:4).
A Christian who sets his affections on the sins, lusts
and works of the flesh will naturally fulfill them (James 1:13-15) while the
one who sets his affection on the things of the Spirit will fulfill them and
the flesh will not dominate him.
Ayodele Adegbulugbe