Texts: Luke 21:13; James 1:2-4
Affliction is a part of life. Everyone will experience some affliction in this life because every man will go through a wilderness in this life. It comes at different times and in different dimensions. However, one can convert his affliction to a testimony.
What is affliction?
Affliction means suffering, going through pains, state of lack and want, agonies, deprivations, oppresions, torments, torture, tribulation, persecutions, troubles etc.
Causes of Affliction:
1)Through personal sins where the Bible says that no sinner will go unpunished though forgiven. Therefore, chastisement from God for personal sins could be a source of affliction in the life of a man (Leviticus chapter 26).
2) Through inherited affliction where we may be suffering for the consequences of the sins of our forefathers. Lamentations 5:7 says that 'our forefathers have sinned and we bear their iniquity.' Also Numbers 14:18 says that God will visit the iniquity of a father on his children to the third and fourth generations.
However, we can reverse any inherited afflictions by crying to God for mercy to separate us from the consequences of the sins of our ancestors. James 2:13 says that mercy prevails over judgment and Deuteronomy 24:16 says that a child shall not be put to death for the sins of his father.
3) Decision to follow Christ can bring affliction. 2 Timothy 3:12 says that those who desire to live godly in Christ will suffer tribulation. Matthew 5:10-12 says that we should rejoice if we are persecuted for the sake of our stand for righteousness.
4) God may ordain an affliction in the life of a man to fulfil a divine purpose. For examples, the afflictions experienced by Job and Joseph were not caused by sinning. The Amalekite raid on David's camp at Ziklag was not due to sin. The man who was born blind in John Chapter 9 did not commit sin and neither did his parents commit sin to the effect that he was born blind.
Purpose of Affliction:
In every affliction, there is a purpose, lesson and a benefit. James 1:2-4 says that affliction in the life of a christian as a trial of faith works out patience and perfection. 1 Peter 5:8-10 says that God can use it to elevate, strengthen and establish us in the faith.
Tough times can create a better personality where some improve on themselves spiritually. During difficult times, people learn to become prayer and bible addicts. Some discover hidden talents and abilities.
Many great hymns, songs and books were written during periods of affliction. For example, Pilgrims Progress which was written about 400 years ago in the prison by John Bunyan, is the second best selling Christian book in the world after the Holy Bible. Also many of the epistles in the Bible were written by the Apostle Paul while he was in the prison.
Affliction is temporary. Psalm 34:19 says that God will deliver the righteous out of afflictions. Psalm 30:15 says that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says that God will make a way out of every temptation.
How to come out of affliction
Do not murmur against God during periods of affliction. The Jews who murmured in the wilderness perished in it and did not reach the Promised Land of milk and honey.
Serve God with a whole heart like Caleb and Joshua did in the wilderness of affliction (Numbers 32:12).
Rejoice always in the Lord like Paul and Silas in detention who prayed and sang praises to God despite their pains in Acts 16:25 which caused God to deliver them through an earthquake. When Hannah left Shiloh, her countenance was no longer sad and she became a mother of several children. Habakkuk 3:17-19 encourages us to rejoice in the Lord in periods of lack and want.
Be holy and righteous in the Lord. Job and Joseph had the opportunity to commit sin against God but they did not do so. Eventually, Joseph left the prison for the palace while Job's latter days were more glorious than his beginning.
Cry unto God in prayers. Psalm 34:17 says that when the righteous cry, God will deliver him out of all his troubles. Jabez cried unto God and he became more honorable than his brethren. The cries of Mordecai reversed Haman's evil plot to destroy the Jews in Persia and Mordecai rose from gateman to a Prince in the land.
Encourage yourself in the Lord which David did when it appeared that all hope was lost in 1 Samuel chapter 30 when his camp was raided by the Amalekites. He pursued them and recovered all he lost.
Ayodele Adegbulugbe.
Lagos Nigeria
This blog presents articles on how to run the race to eternity on the right lane,live a Christian life that pleases the Lord and to end up on the right side in eternity.
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