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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Worldly Fashions Taking Believers to Hell

Worldliness is an idol common in the lives of men including professing Christians in this Last Day. Friendship with the world is direct enmity against God. Many Christians go too close to the world yet believe that they are candidates for heaven contrary to God's Word in 1 John 2:15-17.

Worldliness manifests in thoughts, attitudes, speech, dressing and others. The following worldly, ungodly and immoral dressing places Christian believers who use them at the risk of an eternity in Hell should they die in this sin. The ungodly apparel includes the following:

 Dead women’s hair, rubber hair, afro wig hair, wool type hair, dreadlock wig, hair tintin, hair perming and relaxers, hair attachments, worldly haircut, false eyelash, eye shadow, blushing and painting, lipstick, nose rings, false nails, nail painting, tattoos, rubber bands in the hair, bracelets, leg chains, all rings of any type and purpose, ear rings, neck lace, neck chains, all beads, waist beads, body piercings, men’s chains.

 Others include enlarged breasts, strapless, spaghetti, backless, exposed cleavage, body hug, armless, tight gowns, transparent lace, short blouses, patted skirts, tight skirts, miniskirts, bum knickers, unbuttoned shirts, sagging, ¾ burger, bum pads and hip pads.

 Ungodly apparel includes leggies, women trousers and men platted hair.

The Scriptures that condemns ungodly apparel are many and includes the following:
• Proverbs 7:10; 1Timothy 2:9; Revelations 12:9; Romans 1:26; Ezekiel 23:39-40
• Jeremiah 4:30; Isaiah 3:16-24; Colossians 3:2-5; Leviticus 19:28
• Zephaniah 1:8; Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Peter 3:3; Hosea 2:13; Exodus 33:5

Do not join the army of believers that will end up in eternal hell due to worldliness. James 4:4 and 1 John 2:15-17 warns against friendship with the world. Friendship with the world is a pollution that makes a Christian believer an enemy of God.

Do not listen to the false doctrine circulating in the church that says that God is not interested in one’s outward appearance but in his heart only.

Romans 12:1-2 and 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 counsels Christians to keep their bodies holy and as a living sacrifice as the temple of the Living God. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 warns that God will destroy anyone who defiles His temple which is the body of man.

We shall not go from the church to hell in Jesus name

Prayer: Spirit of the world in my life, depart by fire in Jesus name, amen.

He, who has ears to hear, let him hear!

Ayodele John Adegbulugbe

Message: Accomplishment for God without Obedience…the wrong kind of story!

Message: Accomplishment for God without Obedience…the wrong kind of story!
Texts: 1 Samuel 15:22-23; 2 Samuel 1:1-16; Matthew 7:21-23

Men glory in their accomplishments for God than their obedience to Him and His Word. Obedience to God’s Word and commandments is paramount and is the most important qualification to securing an eternity in His Kingdom.

2 Samuel 1:1-16 is an interesting story of an Amalekite, a warrior who fought on the Israeli side during their war with the Philistines during which King Saul and his sons were killed and the Israeli army was scattered (1 Samuel 31).

After the tragic death of King Saul, this Amalekite soldier who survived the war ran to David in his camp at Ziklag to report the death of Saul hoping for a reward or favour by reporting the death of David’s chief enemy.

He was aware of the differences between King Saul and David and wanted to be the first to honor David with the report of Saul’s death, knowing that David would become the next King of Israel.
He came to David as if he was in great mourning and reported that Israel had lost the battle and many were killed and that Saul and his sons were among the dead. David wanted further proof about the death of Saul and the Amalekite painted a story of heroism that cost him his life. He told David the wrong kind of story trying to make it appear that he was a hero (verse 6-10).

David was not impressed with the testimony of a man who testified with his own mouth that he killed King Saul who was the Lord’s anointed, and he ordered his execution (verse 15-16). He ran in vain.
This story has implications for Christian believers that will stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and give an account of their Christian lives on earth.

On that Day of Reckoning, the fate of many Christian believers will be like that Amalekite. They will tell stories in expectation of a reward but will not impress Jesus Christ and will be condemned to eternal Hell for telling the wrong kind of story like that Amalekite.

Matthew 7:22-23 says:
‘’Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name have done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity’’.

Those that the above scriptures refer to, are believers that focused on their accomplishments for God in ministry but God found them wanting in obedience to His commands and they were condemned to eternal Hell.

This condemnation in Matthew 7:23 shall not be ours in Jesus name. We shall not end our Christian lives and race in eternal hell in Jesus name. We shall not run in vain in Jesus name, amen.

The disobedience of Adam to God’s express instructions was the origin of sin and death in the lives of men which has made all men born of a woman to become sinners and inheritors of death – physical, spiritual and eternal. From Genesis to Revelation, the Word of God lays very strong emphasis on obedience to God as the key to His blessings.

In 1 Samuel Chapter 15, God directs King Saul to attack and destroy the Amalekite nation and to destroy all humans and animals. Saul destroyed the cities but he spared their king and the best of the sheep and oxen and all that was good while destroying all that was vile and refuse in his own eyes (verse 7-9).

In the eyes of Saul, the invasion and destruction of Amalek was a military victory and an accomplishment for God and Israel but saving their king and the best of their cattle was a disobedience to God’s commands. Saul believed that he had accomplished God’s directives (verse 20) but as far as God was concerned, King Saul was disobedient to Him (verse 22-23).

In this Last Day, many Christians and ministries are operating in the opposite direction to the will of God which is tantamount to disobedience to Him. Many ministries take greater delight in the construction of Cathedrals for God above obedience to the Great Commission to go into the world to seek for lost and perishing souls. This is telling the wrong kind of story…accomplishment without obedience!

Ministers are boasting of their ability and capacity to conduct big crusades that draw crowds in the millions in one gathering…the wrong kind of story!

God is interested in the number of souls in the gathering that are saved. God is interested in whether the messages of repentance and salvation were preached (Isaiah 58:1), and not fanciful topics like financial and earthly prosperity to souls whose lives are bound in sin.

Many boast about their capacity to raise multi-million naira and dollar offerings for God’s work. One Pentecostal minister said that he has the anointing to raise money for God…the wrong kind of story!

Many are boasting of their church being the largest in the country or continent or having the largest auditorium that can accommodate tens of thousands in one gathering but if they are not preaching about the weightier matters in the Word, they are telling the wrong kind of story!

Many boast of their anointing to heal the sick, raise the dead and do many signs and wonders, but without obedience to the Word, it is telling the wrong kind of story!

Many boast about their knowledge of the Word of God and ability to recite or quote Scriptures off-hand but if they are working iniquity, it is telling the wrong kind of story!

Men shall be judged not by knowledge of Scriptures alone but by their deeds and obedience to the Word. The doers of the law shall be justified, not the hearers only.

 The richest pastor in the country but a hypocrite is to tell the wrong kind of story!
 The best dressed pastor but an adulterer before God is telling the wrong kind of story!
 The richest church but walking in spiritual darkness is telling the wrong kind of story!
 A minister whose calling is evangelism, to preach the gospel but abandoned it and veered into the pastoral ministry for financial benefits is telling the wrong story!

An accomplishment for God at the expense of obedience to God and His Word constitutes outright disobedience to Him. 1 Samuel 15:22 says:

‘’Obedience is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams’’

Obedience is more important than all forms of religion – sacrifices, offerings, rituals and ceremonies. It is the chief end of true religion; and rebellion and stubbornness are a manifestation of the failure of men to conform to truth.

 God is interested in our total and uncompromising obedience to His Word

 God is interested in holiness and righteous living (Luke 1:75)

 God is interested in our consecration to Him and separation from the world (Mark 8:34) (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) (1 John 2:15-17).

 God is interested in us preaching and teaching the congregations more about the weightier matters – such as sin, salvation, repentance, restitution, holiness, righteousness, purity, judgment, Hell, the Second Coming of Christ and the Rapture of the Saints – than the minor matters such as financial and earthly prosperity (Matthew 23:23).

 God is interested in us keeping our bodies holy as His Temple and not defiling them with all manner of pollutions – sexual perversions, tattoos, immoral and ungodly dressing etc. (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

 God is interested in pure hearts and the renewal and transformation of our hearts and minds (Matthew 5:8) (Romans 12:1-2)

Speaking in tongues but living in open and secret sin is a life of disobedience that ends in hell unless one repents and is genuinely converted (Matthew 7:23) (Acts 3:19)

Ministers who divorced their spouses and remarried contrary to Scripture, but have the anointing to perform signs and wonders are living in disobedience that may end up in eternal hell unless they repent and restitute (Matthew 7:23)

Building Cathedrals for God but not teaching the congregation the truths that God wants them to hear (Isaiah 58:1) is disobedience that leads to the condemnation in Matthew 7:23.

Outward holiness without inward transformation and purity ends in hell. True holiness is both within and without. (Ezekiel 36:26) (Mark 7:21-23).

Exercising the gifts of the Spirit without having the fruit of the Spirit ends in eternal hell. That is demonstrating the power of Christ without possessing the character of Christ is anointing without character that earns the condemnation in Matthew 7:23.

Preaching the Gospel; raising the dead and healing the sick; performing signs and wonders in the name of Jesus Christ; building cathedrals for Christ and raising money to finance the gospel are good and great accomplishments for God but without obedience to God defined in terms of intimate personal relations and walking with Him in obedience to His Word, those activities that constitute working for God without walking with Him are vain that will earn the condemnation in Matthew 7:23.

May we not run our race to eternity in vain in Jesus name, amen.

Lord, have mercy on me for I am a sinner (Luke 18:13).
Power for holiness and righteousness, possess me in Jesus name
Lord, deliver me from the power and bondage of sin (Matthew 1:21)
Lord, let not sin have dominion over me (Psalm 19:7)
Lord, deliver me from the power of presumptuous sinning (Psalm 19:7)
Lord, break me down and remould me in Jesus name.
Ayodele John Adegbulugbe