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Monday, June 18, 2018

Falling by Transgression: 3 Lessons to Learn From the Life of Judas Iscariot

He was one of the Twelve apostles of Jesus Christ who were appointed by the Lord Himself (Mark 3:14). He was ordained to preach the gospel, to heal and to cast out devils (Mark 3:14-15). He was endued with power (Matthew 10:1-8) and was a successful preacher and healer (Mark 6:12-13) (Luke 9:6).Judas Iscariot was also a baptizer in water (John 4:2) and possessed eternal life (John17:12). 

His name was written in the Book of Life (Luke 10:20) and was promised an eternal kingship (Matthew 19:28). He had a part in the apostolic ministry (Acts 1:17) and was the first treasurer of the church (John12:6). He was a saved man and an unsaved man could not have been written in the Book of Life. He was a friend of Jesus and trusted by Him (Psalm 41:9) (John 13:18). 

Later he became a thief who stole from the funds in his custody (John 12:4-6), and became an adversary to Christ (John 6:70). He fell by transgression (Acts 1:25) and his name was blotted out of the book of life (Psalm 69:25-28).

One can come so close to the Kingdom of God and still lose it. 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns that he that thinks he is standing should take heed lest he fall. Judas Iscariot is the sad and tragic story of a man who had impressive and impeccable credentials in the service of Christ which once secured his name in the Book of Life and was given eternal life but lost it by transgression when he betrayed His Master into the hands of His enemies (Mark 14:43-46) for thirty pieces of silver. 

There is a leaven or work of darkness in the life of every man on earth whether he is Born Again or not, which must be dealt with else it can derail his destiny or terminate his ministry and also consign him to eternal Hell. In Judas Iscariot, the leaven was covetousness by which he fell and is eternally lost.

In the life of Moses, the leaven was his temper which he lost at the wrong time, which terminated his ministry and he lost the opportunity to enter into the Promised Land. In the life of King Saul, the leaven was self-will which brought him into disfavor with God and the kingship was transferred from his lineage to another. 

In the life of Samson, the leaven was sexual lust that terminated his ministry and cut short his glorious destiny. In the life of Gehazi, the leaven was also covetousness that terminated his ministry and destiny and denied him the opportunity to succeed his master and become one of the greatest prophets if he also received a double anointing.

We can fail God in the point of our greatest strength. Abraham’s greatest strength was his faith, yet his faith failed him when he got to Egypt and lied to Pharaoh that Sarah was not his wife (Genesis 12:10- 13:4). Moses strength was his meekness. The Bible described him as the meekest man on the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3). 

Moses was the only Prophet whom God spoke with face-to-face yet he failed the Lord God when he lost his temper at the waters of Meribah. Samson was a great warrior who was powerfully anointed from his mother’s womb but ended his ministry and destiny on the laps of a prostitute.

What is the leaven or work of darkness hiding in you which the Devil planted in your life to derail your destiny and rubbish your salvation? Have you identified it? Is it pride, lust, unforgiveness, bitterness, malice, arrogance, hatred, drunkenness, gossip, anger, greed, covetousness or whatever? 

Having identified it, you need to call upon the Lord to root it out of your life (Matthew 15:13). May we not fall by transgression in Jesus name. 

He that thinks he is standing should take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:12).
Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Lagos, Nigeria.

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