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Monday, June 17, 2019

Stress: The Silent Killer

Post 105

Stress is a killer and is the biggest silent killer in recent times. Many diseases are linked with it or are compounded by it. Stress has devastating consequences on one's health.
If you allow yourself to be killed by stress especially marital and relationship challenges, life continues and you are the loser. Do not take life too seriously.
There are 4 thought patterns that make life stressful.
1) Self-blame e.g. 'I locked my car keys in the car. How foolish i was?
2) Blaming others e.g. 'How could my wife be so callous?
3) Urgency e.g. I cannot wait for the panel beater. I have to force the car door open'
4) Worrying. Most of the things we worry about or fear about never happen. Then, why do we worry e.g. worrying whether your spouse will separate from you or divorce you?
45% will never happen because stress often results from tiredness.
25% of our worries concern old decisions that cannot be altered.
12% relate to health which gets worse through worry.
8% of worries relate to criticisms that are largely untrue.
10% of our worries are legitimate indicating that life has real challenges that can be tackled when we eliminate senseless worries and anxieties.
When you are tempted to worry, first ask yourself what percentage group your intended worry belongs and you will discover that most of the time, it belongs to the 45% group. Your worries will never change the outcome of a thing.
It will not eliminate tomorrow's troubles but will steal today's peace and rest. Stop worrying about what you can go wrong and focus on what can go right. Stress can be killed by patience and being positive.
Resist anxieties (Philippians 4:6). Do what U can do and leave the rest in God's hands. He is in control and will work out the best for you (Proverbs 3:5-6) (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Ayodele Adegbulugbe.
Lagos, Nigeria.

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