Multitudes perished in sin during the Judgment of the first world in the days of Noah. Only 8 souls who entered into the Ark of Salvation were saved.
Those who perished did not perish because they sinned but they perished because they rejected God's Ark of Salvation.
God was willing to save them from their sins and eternal destruction, but they rejected the Ark preferring destruction rather than salvation.
The message of repentance was preached for 120 years in that era, yet only 8 souls were saved from that destruction.
They were saved because they heeded the message of repentance and entered into the Ark of Salvation.
Jesus Christ is now our Ark of Salvation to convey man into eternity with God. Have you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior or rejecting Him?
God forces no one to be saved or to perish because He created man with freewill.
The 8 that were saved in the world of Noah chose to be saved while the multitudes that perished chose to perish.
Choose Jesus, choose eternal life
Reject Jesus, choose eternal death.
What is your choice?
Your choice determines your eternal destination.
Reject Jesus, choose eternal death.
What is your choice?
Your choice determines your eternal destination.
The Ark of Salvation is waiting and it's doors will soon be shut. Have you entered?
Enter now that you have the time and the opportunity. Further delay can cost one his eternity.
Repent now and enter into the Ark of Salvation before it is too late. God is not willing that sinners perish but He cannot force anyone to repent.
Rejecting the Ark of salvation means choosing to be separated from God in eternity and to go into the Lake of Fire.
The choice is yours !
Pray: Lord, have mercy on me, I am a sinner.
Pray: Lord, have mercy on me, I am a sinner.
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