‘’And as it was in the days of Noah,
so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they
married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into
the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.’’ (Luke 17:26-27)
‘’ likewise also in the days of Lot;
they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but
the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from
heaven, and destroyed them all.’’ (Luke 17:28-30).
Lesson 2 - Rejecting
the Ark of Salvation
God always
warns men about an impending judgment and destruction for sin. Are we listening
and heeding His calls to us for the salvation of our souls? He sent Prophet
Jonah to warn the inhabitants of the city of Nineveh about the need to repent from
their wicked ways or else they would perish in their sins.
Repent or
you perish in your sins is one of the messages of the Gospel (Luke 13:3). God
warns men to repent because He is a merciful God who is not willing that men
perish but that they come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). He is merciful and more
willing to exercise mercy than judgment (James 2:13).
In the days
of Noah, God created an Ark for the salvation of men based on repentance.
Unfortunately, only 8 persons entered into the Ark and were saved from
destruction while the unbelieving multitudes that refused to repent perished in
the 40 day floods due to their disobedience and unbelief in God’s Word.
The Ark of
salvation that God has created to rescue men from eternal death in this Last
Days is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus is the sacrifice for the sins of
men. He is the one who died at Calvary, was buried but rose again from the dead
and is living forever more (Revelations 1:8). Jesus’ resurrection conquered
death and sin and is the assurance of eternal life to anyone who believes in
As God
warned in Noah’s days, He is warning and calling for all men to repent and be
converted in this Last Day. He has set aside a day to judge this present world
on account of sin and that day is the Day of Judgment also called the Day of
Wrath or Day of Reckoning (Acts 17:30-31).
Man born in
sin is estranged from God and doomed to eternal separation if he dies in sin.
He must be reconciled with God first before he can spend his eternity with God.
The reconciliation is what salvation is all about i.e. sin and death must be
conquered in the lives of men which Jesus Christ did for all men by His
resurrection from the dead.
If men
reject the salvation which God offers the world through Jesus Christ, there are
several reasons as there were in the days of Noah and Lot. In the days of Noah
and Lot, many doubted God’s calls for repentance and salvation. Therefore, one of
the reasons is unbelief in God and what He says (His Word).
Unbelief was
one major reason why the multitudes perished in the days of Noah and Lot. Many
who perished in the days of Noah doubted the reality of the flood just as some
today are denying the reality of Hellfire as an eternal place of punishment and
torment for lost souls. Some even deny that God and Heaven are real.
The Bible
says in 1 Corinthians 1:18-20 that the preaching of the Cross of Christ is
foolishness to those that are perishing but to those that are saved, the
message of the Cross is the power of God unto salvation.
The unbelief
of men in the Word of God does not invalidate God and His Word (Romans 3:3-4).
Salvation is personal and an individual decision as every man will render a
personal account of his life before God on the Day of Judgment.
There are
many false doctrines that are circulating, blinding the eyes of men from seeing
the truth. ‘Rather than diligently seek for the truth that sets free, many are
seeking and following after popular opinions instead of convictions and are
being led astray by false doctrines.’’ (Warren Wiersbe).
The Bible
writes in 1Timothy 4:1 that in the Last Days, many shall fall victim to seducing
doctrines of demons that leads astray. Men are falling for other ‘gospels’ or ‘teachings’
that are contrary to the teachings of the Gospel of Christ.
Some deny
the death, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some deny that Jesus
is the Son of God. Some do not accept that Jesus is God who came in the flesh. Some
deny the existence of the Trinity. Some do not accept the reality of the Holy
Spirit as one of the Trinity. Some do
not believe the virgin birth and the deity of Christ.
Some believe
in the false doctrine of eternal security or ‘Once saved, forever saved’ and
the doctrine of good works which is religion without salvation. Some do not
believe the reality of Judgment saying that because God is Love, He cannot cast
unrepentant sinners who died in sin into Hell. They seem to forget that the God
of love and mercy is also the God of Judgment (Isaiah 30:18)
Some deny
the existence of a Heaven and a Hell. Some believe in a place called Purgatory
where they say they would go after physical death to be cleansed of their sins
and from there would be transported to Heaven. Some do not accept that Jesus is
the Saviour of the world and that He died for the sins of all men. Some do not
believe that the Blood of Jesus cleanses one from sin.
False and
strange teachings of demons are one reason why many doubt the Gospel of Christ
and are rejecting the Jesus Ark of salvation as in the days of Noah and Lot.
These false doctrines are a leaven that corrupts the whole in the lives of
those who believe them. False doctrines are a reason why those who subscribe to
them will not be allowed into the Ark unless the leaven is purged out of them.
into the Ark of Salvation is by faith in Christ. To inherit eternal life in
Christ which is the only solution to eternal death, one must believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ and make Him his Lord and Saviour.
One must
confess Jesus with his mouth and believe in his heart that He was raised from
the dead and is alive forever more. One must surrender his heart and life to
Jesus Christ and allow Jesus to be the director and controller of his life
going forward (Romans 10:9-10) (Revelations 3:20).
Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Lagos Nigeria
Lagos Nigeria