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Monday, July 6, 2020

Blaming an Enemy For Every Condition?

John 7:30 says, ' Then they sought to take Him: but no man laid hands on Him because His time had not yet come.''

Some ministries are teaching and influencing their members to fear and blame an enemy somewhere for every negative condition in their lives. Their sermons are always focusing on enemies, witches and wizards, thereby creating fear in them and causing them to live in fear of everyone around them and even among themselves.

In some nations including Nigeria, messages about an enemy sells so fast and so well that great numbers attend deliverance services seeking to be delivered from an enemy behind their negative condition. Even when it is crystal clear that their condition is a result of their own wrong choices, they still blame an imaginary enemy somewhere for it.

We should realize from the Scriptures in John 7:30 that nothing an come our way if it is not God's timing for such challenges to occur. If the challenge is not part of God's plan and purpose for our lives, it will not occur. If God has purposed for us to go through a challenge, then no amount of prayers can change the plan. No amount of prayers would have averted Joseph's experiences in the hands of his brothers but he maintained his faith and relations with God who eventually lifted him up.

Jesus moved about with fear. Therefore, a christian believer should not be living in the fear of an enemy and be glorifying Satan. We ought to be more God conscious than being Satan or enemy conscious in our christian lives. If we carry about an enemy conscious mindset all the time, wars and battles may never cease in our lives. The Bible says that what a man thinks, he becomes.

At God's own time, what He has purposed for us will surely happen (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We should have the purpose to seek and serve God faithfully in whatever condition to please Him. The Bible says that when the ways of a man pleases God, his enemies will be at peace with him.

Are our hearts right in the sight of God? (Ats 8:21). Are the little foxes that spoil the vine ( Songs of Solomon 2:15) residing in our hearts to hinder the presence, the power and the glory of God in our lives? Are our hearts filled with bitterness, hatred, malice, unforgiveness etc which are ladders and doors through which the Devil penetrates our lives to do havoc? If we have these little foxes in our hearts, we need to first seek to be delivered from them before seeking to be delivered from the external enemies.

Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Lagos Nigeria
Phone: +2348035978352

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