Are You an Abandoned Project?
Revelations 1:8 says that Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the
Omega. This means that He is the Beginning and the Ending. Hebrews 12:2 says
that Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. 1 Samuel 3:12 also
says that whatever God begins, He makes an end.
Do the above statements apply in your life?
You are a project in the hands of the Lord. You were created
for a specific purpose and sent into the world with a divine assignment. You
have a calling and a ministry and you are a solution to someone on earth. There
are people attached to your destiny who are waiting for you to reach out to
them. God has started with you, but are you going to allow Him to complete what
He started? Or are you now an abandoned project in His hands?
Gehazi, the servant of Prophet Elisha, messed up his destiny
through the sin of covetousness. He had the prospect to rank among the greatest
of the prophets in biblical history if he succeeded his master with a double
anointing. But he ended up as an abandoned project through sin. King Saul too
ended up as an abandoned project in the hands of God through his self-will and
the kingship was transferred to David.
Eli’s family lost the
priesthood through the sins that Hophni and Phinehas committed at Shiloh and
their line became an abandoned project. And God transferred the priesthood to
Samuel. You can see that through sinning, your divine assignment can be opposed
by yourself and become an abandoned project in His hands.
Your assignment can also be opposed by satanic forces who
allow one to start but not able to finish or to finish poorly. For example, in
Ezra Chapter 3:8-13, God inspired a man named Zerubbabel to rebuild the fallen
walls and temple in Jerusalem. The work was stopped when the devil inspired adversaries
to oppose the project and discourage the workers. The project was hindered for
many years on the orders of Artaxerxes, King of Persia. Eventually God crushed
the opposition and the restoration work commenced again and was concluded
during the reign of Darius (Zechariah 4:6-10) (Ezra 6:11-14).
Though you have
been stopped, God can empower you to conclude what you have abandoned.
Your spiritual life is also a project and it could be an
abandoned project in your hands. How about your Christian race to heaven? Are
you still in the race running on the right lane? Or have you given up Jesus
Christ and have returned to the world like Demas?
Has your prayer life gone cold? Or have you stopped praying?
Have you stopped reading the bible? Have you abandoned evangelism? Do you
belong to a house fellowship or you feel too big or too busy to attend? Have
you ever started to complete the reading of the bible in one year and abandoned
it along the way? Has the fire of God in you become totally quenched? Have you
given up holiness?
An abandoned project could be an unfulfilled dream or an
unrealized vision. It could also be an uncompleted goal. A marriage can become
an abandoned project if one has walked away from it. A business can become an
abandoned project if it has crashed. A building can be an abandoned project if
it is becoming increasingly difficult to continue. What have you planned to
start but have been unable to start? That plan may also have become an
abandoned project in your hands.
You have started and God has started with you. Determine to
finish and allow God to finish what He has started in you. Do not give up on
account of difficulties or oppositions and criticisms. It is not by your power
or might but by the Spirit of the Lord that you can finish (Zechariah 4:6-10).
Play your own part and allow Him.
Most importantly, your salvation must not
become an abandoned project because that is what will count at the end of the
day when you stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). The
devil must not be the one to write the last chapter of your life!
Prayer points:
O God my father, have mercy on me. Do not allow
me to become an abandoned project in your hands.
You, the anti-finisher demon opposing my
projects, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to loose your
hold on me in Jesus name.
Every yoke of sin, messing me up before the
Lord, be broken by fire in Jesus name.
I will not end my life and ministry in regrets
in Jesus name
I have started well and I will surely finish
well in Jesus name.
O God my Father, conclude what you have started in
my life, family and ministry in Jesus name.
Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Phone: +2348035978352
Author of:
Riches: A Blessing or a
Solutions to Sexual Abuses
in Marriage
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