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Friday, June 22, 2018

7 Things One Must Do To Accumulate Materials to Build His Home in Heaven

(Copied from Reverend Park Yong Gyu CD Testimony of his visit to Heaven and Hell)

§  Accumulation of worship and praises to God
§  Time spent reading the bible
§  Time spent praying
§  Time spent evangelizing
§  Offerings to God
§  Tithes to God
§  Serving the church in any way

A.    Population in Hell
There are multitudes of churches on earth and many churches are filled with many people but most of the people are not true Christians but mere church attendants.

The true Christians believe in a Heaven and a Hell. The lives of many Christians are in chaos because they do not firmly believe in a Heaven and a Hell. Many Christians say they are free in Christ and can live their lives as they desire.

People in Hell make 3 statements:
                               I.            Too hot and they feel like dying (Luke 16:19-31)
                             II.            They are too thirsty (Luke 16:19-31)
                          III.            They need water (Zechariah 9:11)

B.     Some of the many groups in Hell
§  Those who have brains given by God to think good and beneficial things but thought of filthy things (Matthew 5:28)
§  Elders and deacons who did not serve their church but were always receiving from the flock. They chose not to work or serve the flock (Zechariah 11:7) (Hosea 6:5)
§  Elders and deacons and lay believers who criticized their pastors, who spoke negative about their pastors; backbiting and ridiculing a pastor (James 3:6) (Matthew 12:37)
§  Those who harassed other Christians to the point where faithful ones were affected and stopped attending church and some stopped believing. They did all they could to stop faithful Christians from doing God’s work, causing them to stumble.
§  Spouses who drank alcohol and were abusive to family members
Men and women who lived with one another and were not married and had pregnancies and abortions
§  Sons, daughters, sons- in-laws and daughters-in-law, that were rebellious, who talked back to their parents using abusive and harsh language to attack them

C.     Reverend Park’s appeal to Christian brethren worldwide
§  Brethren, we are all going to die one day but do not know when that will be. Please be prepared to do everything to go to heaven. When we go is not the issue.

§  Please forgive each other as frequently as necessary if you need to. Repent and repent and do it all day if you have to. Please do not hesitate to live a holy life. Avoid the miserable torment and judgment in eternal hell.

§  Be saved and do not live for your flesh. Submit to the Kingdom of God and pray for those who do not know Jesus. Evangelize and bear fruit. Pray early in the mornings and keep Sundays holy. Tithe to God properly. Accumulate your rewards in Heaven and not on earth

Reverend Park, Yong Gyu (of blessed memory)

Some Reasons Why People Are in Hell

ØUnforgiveness and resentment
Ø Owing Debts:
        i.            Owing debts to others which can be repaid but kept postponing and procrastinating
      ii.            Owing debts which can be repaid but was not repaid for fear of humiliation if they told the truth
    iii.            Owing debts which cannot be repaid, but also failed to ask Jesus to help them pay the debts
Ø Fraudulent certificates
Ø Coming late to church services and other places you were supposed to be at specified times

Copied from Victoria Nahale’s testimony: Time is Running Out.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Lessons to learn from the days of Noah and Lot - Luke 17:26-30 (3)

‘’And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.’’ (Luke 17:26-27)

‘’ likewise also in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.’’ (Luke 17:28-30).

Lesson 3 – Attention and devotion to material things above the spiritual

In the days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, the people who perished were totally involved in material things and matters: ‘’ they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, and they built.’’
They had virtually no time for God, had no time for spiritual things and matters and they were so engrossed in material values that they did not entertain any suspicions that they would not see the light of another day. They lived as if they would live forever on earth.

It is happening today in this Last Day. Too many people are so engrossed with their work, jobs, businesses, hobbies, pleasures and plans that will perish at the expense of spiritual matters that have eternal values and will determine the eternal destination of the souls of men.

Too many people including Christians have entangled themselves with the affairs of the world. The Rapture of the Saints is the next major event being expected. Yet the Church and Christians are too busy pursuing earthly matters and acquiring material resources and are not preparing for the impending Rapture of the Saints.

The propagation of the gospel surely needs money. The ministry of the Lord Jesus was supported by people who gave their substance to support and promote the gospel (Luke 8:1-3) but money should not become the driving force and controller of the church. The issue of money and how it is raised is making the Last Day church to become indecent.

God takes delight in our prosperity and interested in our material wellbeing but not at the expense of the wellbeing of our immortal souls (Psalm 35:27) (3 John: 2).

Many ministers who should prepare their members for the Rapture are busy preaching and teaching prosperity messages that have to do with acquiring earthly riches and earthly comfort at the expense of heavenly riches and eternal comfort with Christ.

The church that should be raising more souls for the kingdom of God is more interested in raising money for the work of God. The church is busy setting up commercial businesses and building gigantic cathedrals mainly for show and for vain glory but are not investing in, and are not preparing the immortal souls of their members for eternity with Christ.

In this age, the church is worshiping the idols of gold. In the church, it is not enough to have an anointing as an anointing without visible financial prosperity is regarded as a poverty anointing and despised.
Many pastors are servants of gold and silver who have charismatic showmanship but lack character. They have Jezebels singing in their choir and Delilah as ushers and the preachers accommodate them because they love it so.

Many ministers take delight in how many millions of persons were gathered in one sitting which decides how large the offerings will be, rather than how many lives are changed and transformed.
The church is encouraging materialism, extravagant and flamboyant lifestyles and immoral values (Romans 16:18). Church positions are reserved for the highest bidders as financial considerations rather than spiritual consideration is the yardstick.

The Church is purchasing private jets mainly to boost its ego and for pleasure trips around the world and to announce its arrival as a successful ministry. Success in ministry is now measured by material acquisitions in the modern day church yet many members are poor and hungry.

In the church, the testimonies that are welcome are those that are financial in nature while those that are spiritual are looked down upon. Many preachers are preaching fanciful topics to a congregation whose lives are bound in sin and iniquity when Jesus basic mission is the deliverance of lives from the power and bondage of sin (Matthew 1:21) (John 3:16).

Rather than preach first the kingdom of God and its righteousness, these ministers place the cart before the horse focusing on seeking first the financial benefits of the Kingdom above its righteousness.
Rather than focus their preaching on salvation topics that affects the immortal soul such as sin, eternal death, Hell, holiness and righteousness, restitution and purity, they focus mainly on a bread alone message: financial prosperity and success on earth for the mortal body that will perish in the grave (Matthew 4:4).

Is it not a spiritual fraud to be collecting offerings from lost souls deceiving them to believe that money offerings to God is adequate to be in right standing with Him and believe that earthly riches and comforts is what salvation is all about?

The church now preaches a ‘cash and carry gospel’ that has converted it to a business center or a place of merchandising where money making activities are conducted through the commercialization of the gospel (Mark 11:17) (John 2:16) contrary to being a house of prayer.

The church is no longer committed to evangelistic activities to bring the lost into the kingdom of God but are bringing them into the church and making them candidates fit for eternal hell through false teachings, making money from them at the expense of their salvation.

The church is no longer a place of succor for the oppressed but a place where heavier yokes are placed on the oppressed to fleece them of their resources.Many ministries were deliberately set up for the selfish interest of making money. Proceeds of crime and blood money from abominable activities such as robbery and prostitution are collected as offerings in churches. The god of mammon now rules the church (Matthew 6:24).

The schools owned by the churches are charging prohibitive fees and are generally more expensive than government owned schools. The fees charged by church owned schools are so high that most of their members and clergy cannot afford to pay the fees for their children.

Holiness teachings are fast going out of fashion and are being despised as unpopular. Many Christian believers have no fruits to show for all their years in the church, only the leaves. Holiness and love for the brethren is totally lost in the lives of many Christians yet holiness and love are among the criteria for eternity with Christ (Hebrews 12:14) (Matthew 22:37-39).

They have material wealth to flaunt – beautiful houses, cars and wardrobes; high sounding titles and positions of authority and fantastic church buildings that many admire - that are leaves but not the fruit that Christ is expecting.

In the days of the apostles in the Book of Acts, gospel sermons ended with altar calls where many were led to submit their lives to Christ ( Acts 2:38). In the church today, gospel messages end with ‘sowing seeds’ where different denominations are called and many rush to the altar to make pledges and donations in exchange for some miracle. Gospel messages in many churches now end with a donation and money collection campaign.

In the church today, God’s ability to answer prayers is attached to the ability of the congregation to give Him money. Many steal to buy their way into positions and places of favour in the church. Many pastors now engage in a ‘pull-him-down’ syndrome to occupy the positions and offices of others where money can be made.

The ‘cash and carry’ gospel is fast turning the church to a den of thieves and robbers (John2:16). If men can buy their way into positions in the church, can they buy their way into heaven? The church is not lacking in crowds but the members are church sinners and are not a congregation of saints. The church has many gigantic cathedrals where worshippers swarm like bees but crimes and evil increases daily.

There is too much wickedness and idolatry going on everywhere including the church. The church has too many miracle workers yet the souls of men are not changed and transformed. Many come to church but do not change from their old ways. They are in church but are not in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Not many preachers are telling their congregation what Ezekiel 18:4 says that the soul that sinneth shall die. Not many preachers are teaching their members what Hebrews 12:14 says that ‘follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.’’

Not many preachers are teaching their members to observe all things that Christ commanded (Matthew 28:20 but are teaching a watered down, one-sided gospel that benefits the mortal body but neglects and jeopardizes the eternal destination of the immortal soul.

Ayodele Adegbulugbe.
Lagos, Nigeria.

Knowing and Loving Jesus without Obedience?

John 10:27 says ‘my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.’’ Matthew 7:23 says ‘’and I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.’’

Do you know Jesus? If you know Jesus, does Jesus know you as one of his sheep? Those who know Jesus and believe in Him must also love Him by obedience to His Word and commands. It is possible to claim that we know Jesus and believe in Him without loving Him practically through obedience.

Belief in Jesus should not be limited to a mere mental acceptance of the historical fact that He died, was buried and rose again and is coming back again. The demons also know and believe these facts but have been condemned already. The demons’ knowing and believing these facts cannot reverse their fate.

One of the messages of the Gospel is its strong emphasis on obedience to God and His Word both in the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament in Deuteronomy 5:29 says ‘O that there was a heart in them that they would fear me and obey my commandments always…’’

In the New Testament, Luke 6:46 says ‘And why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? 

Matthew 19:17 says ‘…but if thou will enter into life, keep the commandments.’’

John14:15 say ‘If ye love me, keep my commandments.’’

John 14:21 say ‘he that hath my commandments and keeps them is he that loves me.’’
John 15:10 say ‘if ye keep my commandments, ye shall dwell in my love.’’

Therefore, if we claim to know God but do not abide by His commands, then we do not really know Him. if we speak in tongues, prophesy and cast out devils but are not obeying His commands, then Jesus does not recognize us as his sheep (John 10:27). 

Those who claim or profess to know Jesus but do not keep His commands are liars who lack the truth and all liars shall be cast into the lake of fire ( Revelations 21:8). The commandments of God have not changed and will never change because the Word of God stands forever (Isaiah 40:8) (2 John 1:6). The command that God gave to Abraham in Genesis 17:1 to walk before Him blamelessly is the same command given to us today.
The true sheep are they who keep the commandments of God. Revelations 14:12 say ‘here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.’’

God cannot dwell in anyone who is not keeping His commands. One can call himself a Man of God but in reality is not a Man with God anymore. There are many who claim to be Men of God and men see them so because they have strong prophetic anointing and miraculous powers. However, they are not Men with God if they do not abide by God’s commandments and are not walking in His will. 

The Spirit of God may have departed them and another contrary spirit could have taken over. God may not withdraw their anointing because the gifts of God are usually without repentance (Romans 11:29). God did not withdraw the Devil’s powers when he fell out of His favour and while King Solomon backslid, his gift of wisdom remained with him.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 says ‘let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and obey His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.’’ In Matthew 28:20 Jesus says we should teach the congregation to observe ALL THINGS that he commanded. 

Are we teaching all things that Jesus commanded or are we teaching a watered down, one-sided gospel that benefits the mortal body on earth but neglects and jeopardizes the eternal destination of the immortal soul of man? Are we determined to obey all things as commanded or are we selecting some and throwing out the rest as impractical commands?

Ø Power to obey God all the days of my life, possess me in Jesus name
Ø Anything in my life that is not of God, dragging me to Hell, be uprooted in Jesus name
Ø Lord, break me down and remould me to your taste in Jesus name
Ø Holy Spirit purge me afresh and refill me with your spirit
Ø Lord, deliver me from the power of presumptuous sinning in Jesus name
Ø Lord, give me a new heart and a new spirit in Jesus name
Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Lagos, Nigeria