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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Mercy of God (Romans 9:15-16)


Mercy of God (Romans 9:15-16)
‘’…I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy; and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of whom that wills, nor of him that runs, but of the Lord that shows mercy’’ (Romans 9:15-16)

       I.            Mercy of God, overshadow my life, family, ministry and destiny in Jesus name

     II.            Mercy of God, perfect everything that concerns my life in Jesus name

  III.            Mercy of God, speak for me where I cannot speak; go for me where I cannot go; fight for me where I cannot fight in Jesus name

  IV.            Mercy of God, reconnect me to my destiny if I have detached from it in Jesus name

    V.            Mercy of God, reconnect me to the Narrow Way if I have strayed away from it in Jesus name

  VI.            Mercy of God, forgive me my sins, iniquities and transgressions in Jesus name

VII.            Mercy of God, enlarge my coast on every side in Jesus name

VIII.            Mercy of God, rearrange my life, business, education, ministry, marriage etc. for forward progress in Jesus name

  IX.            Mercy of God, make straight the crookedness in my paths (Isaiah 45:2) in Jesus name

     X.            Mercy of God, bring to me the blessings and opportunities that I am not qualified for, or not meant for me in Jesus name

  XI.            Mercy of God, convert my mistakes to miracles in Jesus name

XII.            Mercy of God, turn around my captivity (Psalm 126:1) in Jesus name

XIII.            By the mercies of God, I triumph over the gates of hell assigned against my manifestation (Romans 8:19) in Jesus name

XIV.            By your mercies O God, remove the gates of hell from my portion and make my life and ministry a glorious wonder in Jesus name

XV.            Mercy of God, make a way for me where there seems to be none in Jesus name

XVI.            Mercy of God, turn my barren lands to fruitful and productive lands in Jesus name

XVII.            Mercy of God, convert my insult to result; convert my ridicule to miracles; convert my mess to a message; convert my tears to laughter; convert my lamentation to laughter in Jesus name

XVIII.            Mercy of God, convert my trials to triumph; convert my tests to testimonies; convert my setback to a comeback; convert my disgrace to grace; convert my disappointments to divine appointments in Jesus name

XIX.            Mercy of God, convert my lack and want to abundance; convert my poverty to riches; convert my pain to gain; convert my Cross to a Crown; convert my captivity to freedom in Jesus name

XX.            Mercy of God, convert my blunders to blessings; convert my story to glory; convert my frustration to fulfillment; convert my shame to fame, and change me from borrower to a lender to many nations in Jesus name

Ayodele Adegbulugbe

Beautifying Cathedrals or Beautifying Your Heart for God

King Solomon built a magnificent temple for God but he did not beautify his body for God. He was the man who spread out his hands toward heaven during the dedication of the temple in 1 Kings 8:22 but ended up an idolater worshipping the idols of his foreign wives.

In the Old Testament, God dwelt in temples built by hands but in the New Testament, He dwells in the hearts of men through the Holy Spirit which descended on the Day of Pentecost. Our bodies are the temple of God where the Holy Spirit now dwells (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

In this Last Day, many churches worldwide are in a fierce competition building huge magnificent cathedrals for God, striving to have the largest or the most magnificent auditorium in the country to attract God’s attention and blessings?

Are the hearts of the worshipers who gather in these cathedrals beautiful before God? God is much more interested in the spiritual condition of our hearts individually and collectively than the beautiful physical cathedrals we claim to be building for Him.

God is interested in pure and circumcised hearts (Deuteronomy 30:6) (Matthew 5:8). Are the worshipers genuinely born again followers of Christ or mere church attendants or church sinners who worship God with their lips only while their hearts are far away from Him (Matthew 15:8) (2 Corinthians 5:17-18)?.

What is the condition of our hearts toward God? Do we love God with all our hearts as commanded in Matthew 22:37-39?

Or have we allowed our addiction to the modern day idols (Facebook, social media, television, internet, relationships, mobile phones, sports, love of gold, love of pleasure and many others to displace God from the front seat position in our hearts, drawing our hearts away from Him?

What is the condition of our hearts toward our neighbor? Do we love our neighbor as ourselves as commanded in Matthew 7:12 and Matthew 22:37-39)?

Or are our hearts bitter, hateful and unforgiving toward our neighbors? Do we have a malicious heart towards our neighbors yet come to spread our hands toward God in our beautiful temples?

Check the condition of your heart toward God and your neighbor. If you are far away from the Lord, it is time to repent and to return to Him with a whole heart and not a divided heart.

Joshua and Caleb were the only two out of the six hundred thousand men who left Egypt in the exodus that entered the Promised Land because they followed God with their whole hearts (Numbers 32:12), not a divided heart.

Your thoughts can defile you before God (Genesis 6:4) (Jeremiah 17:9) (Mark 7:21-23)
Your words can defile you before God (Matthew 12:36-37)
Your actions can defile you before God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Check the spiritual condition of your heart toward God and men and return to Him wholeheartedly.

• Lord Jesus, have mercy on me for I am a sinner (Luke 18:13)
• Lord Jesus, give me a new heart and a new spirit (Deuteronomy 30:6)
• Blood of Jesus, wash and cleanse me from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit (2 Corinthians 7:1).
Ayodele Adegbulugbe