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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

What Are The Things That Are Dying in Our Christian Lives?

Text: Revelations 3:2
“Be watchful and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found your works perfect before God.’’

The conditions of this world that we live in cause many to live a busy life that makes them to keep their relations with God in the backseat of their lives. Due to the rat race age we live in, a number of things are about to die, dying or dead in the lives of many Christian believers.

We need to wake up to our condition to change and regain lost grounds before it is too late because no one knows when the end will come. In the grave, there is no room for repentance and salvation for the soul.

We need to examine ourselves and our Christian lives (2 Corinthians 13:5) to know whether we are still in the faith standing or have fallen from the faith. 1 Corinthians 10:12 warns those who think they are standing to take heed lest they fall from the Narrow Way.

The verse in Revelations 3:2 is a call for regular self-examination, watchfulness and repentance. It is a reminder and a call to godly living. God wants an intimate fellowship and relations with Man and close communion. He detests lukewarmness where a man is neither hot nor cold (Revelations 3:15-16). God is perfect and wants us to be perfect too (Matthew 5:48).

There are many things that are about to die, dying or dead through neglect, in the lives of many Christian believers. They include:
 Closet Prayers (Personal Prayer Altar) Matthew 6:6
“But when thou pray, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which sees in secret shall reward thee openly.’’

Prayer is the most important weapon in spiritual warfare. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. An altar is a place of sacrifice, worship and prayer. It is also a place of battle and a spiritual entity where spiritual transactions take place.

The closet is the Christian’s inner chamber and personal altar where he meets with God regularly in worship and fellowship. This is where requests are made to God in prayers, supplication and intercession. This is where communion takes place and where the Christian receives divine leading and guidance on all aspects of life and ministry.

For a Christian to become an overcomer and have a victorious Christian life, a fervent and effective prayer life is necessary which is determined largely by the level of fire on his personal altar in his inner chambers or closet. The fire on the personal altar must be kept burning at all times and must not be allowed to go cold (Leviticus 6:12-13).

For a Christian Minister, the quality of prayers offered to God in his inner chambers will determine the manifestation of God’s power and glory in his public life and ministrations.
There are Ministers who occupy high offices in church and ministry whose personal altars lack fire, therefore do not receive any divine revelations and do not hear from the Lord God anymore. Their spiritual vision has been shut down by their lukewarmness and they do nothing about it like Prophet Eli.

A Christian is expected to have private periods where he will commune with God alone via prayer and meditation. Many cannot pray alone in private because they lack the discipline and many can only pray in public places where and when others are praying e.g. church.

Closet prayer in the lives of many Christians is dying or dead being threatened by spiritual dryness and lukewarmness. Many conduct it in a light and careless manner. For closet prayers to be effective and acceptable unto God there must be no strange fires offered on the altar.

If anyone offers strange fires on his altars, he risks destruction like Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10:1-2 who offered strange fires and lost their lives. Strange fires include sinning, strange utterances and languages and ungodly dressing.

Spiritual dryness is caused by the Sin of Commission and the Sin of Omission. Sin of Commission is deliberate sinning that causes sudden darkness while the Sin of Omission through neglect of diligence gradually dims the light until it is quenched. In either case, the Christian lacks the anointing to move forward in the Spirit and is one reason why closet prayers are dead in the lives of many Christians.
 Meditation in the Word (Joshua 1:8) (Psalm 1:3)
Meditation in the Scriptures is almost nonexistent in many Christians due to their busy schedules, problems and challenges of life. Many are either too busy to find the time or too lazy to meditate in the Scriptures.
 Family Altar or Family Devotion
A Christian family must have a family altar where husband, wife and children gather at regular periods on daily basis to worship and fellowship with the Lord. A family that prays together stays together.

The fire on the family altar must be kept burning at all times and must not be allowed to go cold (Leviticus 6:12-13). If the family altar lacks fire, the devotions will be dry, uninteresting and a mere routine. The family members may lose interest. But where the family altar is fire-charged, the devotions will be rich and interesting and an event to look forwards to.

Family altar is dying because many families are falling apart and marriages too. Many homes lack a spirit of one accord which is affecting the family altar where the members are expected to congregate and fellowship with the Lord. Family members are also too busy to create the time or their hearts are devoted to idols and idolatries such as Television, Internet and Social Media.
 The Great Commission (Evangelism, Soul Winning, Witnessing) Matthew 28:18-20
A survey of Christians and the Great Commission reveals that:
About 90% of all Christians have never won a soul for Christ
About 80% of all Christians do not consistently witness for Christ
About 2% of all Christians are actively engaged in the propagation of the gospel
About 70% of all Christians do nothing towards the propagation of the gospel
About 40% of the populace worldwide have heard the gospel but have not accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour
About 50% of the populace worldwide have not heard about the gospel and have no realistic opportunity to do so

Yet many Christians are slumbering, not interested in the Great Commission which is a commandment in Matthew 28:18-20 and a responsibility of every believer (Acts 1:8) and not the responsibility of a few ‘evangelists’ in the church as erroneously believed by many Christians.

Many churches and ministries are busy and more interested investing in buildings and cathedrals for show and for vainglory rather than invest in evangelism to win the souls of the lost for Christ.
 Holiness and Righteousness
Prosperity messages are overriding holiness and salvation messages in many churches and ministries in this Last day. There are many false teachers in circulation peddling false doctrines that indicate that holiness and righteousness are not possible. 

Iniquity and lawlessness is on the increase in Christendom despite increase in gospel activity. The churches are crowd pullers but many of the members are not genuinely converted Christians. Many are merely religious but not godly and religious but not saved Christians.

 Holiness is the passport to heaven (Hebrews 12:14) (1 Peter 1:16), not prosperity.
Other things that are about to die, dying or dead in the lives of many Christians include Christian hospitality and the active waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus.

We need to examine our Christian lives and repent from where we have fallen before it is too late. Death comes like a thief in the night and there are no second chances for repentance, amendment and forgiveness of sins in the grave.

May we not go from church to hell in Jesus name.
Let us pray:
Ø Spirit of the world in my life, die in Jesus name
Ø Spirit of disobedience in my life, die in Jesus name
Ø Spirit of death and hell in my life, die in Jesus name
Ø Anything in my life, dragging me to destruction be uprooted in Jesus name (Matthew 15:13)
Ø Lord, have mercy on me and give me a second chance
Ø Lord have mercy on me and do not spue me out of your mouth (Revelations 3:15-16)
Ø Lord, as I run this race, send me help and strengthen me spiritually in Jesus name
Ø Lord, grant me leadership and spiritual guidance as I run this race in Jesus name
Ø I command any satanic agenda to pull me down spiritually to scatter in Jesus name

Ayodele John Adegbulugbe