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Monday, March 23, 2015

A Life Well Spent?

An extract of a typical Obituary announced in the newspaper goes thus:

With gratitude to God for a life well spent, we announce the translation to eternity of Chief Adolphus Bankole Chukwuma Dandaudu who departed this world at the age of 80. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace


Was it a life well spent acquiring and multiplying houses that will become desolate (Isaiah 5:8-9) or a life well spent and invested in an incorruptible heavenly mansion (John 14:2)?

Was it a life well spent acquiring earthly riches to become rich before men (Matthew 6:19-20) or a life well spent to be rich before God (Revelations 3:17-18)?

Was it a life invested in sinful and worldly ease and pleasures (2 Timothy 3:4) (Romans 13:13) or a life devoted to holy living (Luke 1:75)?

Was it a life spent in fulfilling the lusts of the flesh (1 John 2:16) or a life invested in the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom (Mark 15:16)?

Was it the life of a Minister of the Gospel who cried aloud and spared not, who told his congregation what God wants them to hear (Isaiah 58:1), or was it a Minister who served for personal gain and vain glory (2 Corinthians 11:23) (Philippians 2:3)?

Was it a life that multiplied wives (Deuteronomy 17:17) or a life invested in multiplying souls into the kingdom of God?

Was it a life well spent investing in the salvation of the eternal soul of man (John 3:3) or a life well spent servicing the flesh and living for the perishing flesh (Romans 6:19)?

Was it a life spent in seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33) or a life well spent seeking first the Kingdom of Satan and sinfulness (1 John 5:8)?

Was it a life that defrauded the poor, looted public funds meant for the welfare of the masses and perverted the judgment of the poor (James 2:4-6) or a life that showed mercy to the poor (Matthew 5:7)?

 Was it a life spent acquiring the wisdom of the world (1 Corinthians 1:26) but had no time for the eternal Word of God by which he shall be judged (Revelations 22:7)?

Was it a life well spent in diligent search for the wisdom of God (Joshua 1:8) or a life devoted to seeking the wisdom of the occult (Exodus 7:11)?

Was it a fervent Christian life devoted to earnest prayers (Luke 18:1) or a lukewarm Christian life to be spue out of God’s mouth (Revelations 3:15-16)?

Was it a Christian whose light shone (Matthew 5:14); who was known by his good works –holiness and love for the brethren (Matthew 5:16) (2 Corinthians 7:1), or a Christian whose only evidence of Christ in his life are beautiful cars and houses? Is material goods evidence of salvation? Is salvation evidenced by perishable material resources?

Was it a Christian who was truly in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17) or a Christian in the church but not in Christ, who worshipped God with his lips only (Isaiah 29:13)?

Was it a wife who submitted to her husband as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22) or a wife who willfully walked out of her marriage to become a single parent to conform to the world (Romans 12:1-2); who saw marriage as an affair that can be terminated at will?

Was it a life well spent in the fear of the Lord and obedience to His commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13) or a life that lived in the opposite direction?

Ponder about this:
Can every life find perfect peace in eternity? Will God recognize a life that was lived contrary to His expectations as a life well spent? A life well spent for God or for the Devil?

Examine your life whether you are still in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Christ is coming soon. Are we ready to meet Him?

Ayodele Adegbulugbe

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