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Friday, March 6, 2015

When You Fall,Rise Up!

When You Fall, Rise Up!

The race of life is not by strength. It is not to the swift or the strong but by the Lord who shows mercy (Romans 9:15). It is not about whom gets to the finishing line first or last but about who completes his race.

Luke 9:62 says that whoever sets his hand on the plough and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. This statement means that heaven is not interested in starters who cannot finish but is interested in those who can endure to the end to be saved. Did the bible not say that a righteous man falls seven times and rises again? This statement means that there is a possibility of falling but one should not remain on the ground in a fallen state. When you fall, rise up immediately.

During the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, an athlete named Derek Raymond represented Great Britain. He was a champion and was favored to win the race. At the semi-finals, something happened to him that has become a reference point. Derek fell, breaking a ligament and was in great pain.

His father, running out from among the crowd of spectators, broke through the security, got to his son and encouraged him to get up. Together, they ran and finished the race. The man who did not get a medal, but chose to complete his race despite his fall, got a standing ovation from the 65000 spectators watching the event.

Anytime you fall while running the race of life, be determined to stand up again to continue running. Do not remain on the floor. Your determination will provoke God to break through to ranks to help you complete the race as Derek’s father did. Whenever you fall in your own race, your heavenly father will pick you up and run with you to completion.

The fact that you serve God definitely will bring problems to you but have the assurances that God will stand by you in the tribulation (John 16:33). When you have prayed and nothing has changed, what do you do? Give up? You must not give up. God is working on your challenges behind the scenes. We relate with God by faith. Believe that He is working on the solution and maintain your ways before Him in true holiness and righteousness (Ephesians 4:22-24).

A man without hands and legs has two degrees. Nothing stopped this man who would have ended up a beggar from fulfilling his dream. Your goal should be a life without limitation.  No one and nothing can stop you except you stop yourself from becoming what God wants you to become. 

As you go through the challenges of life, do you trust God? Do you trust God in your financial, marital, academic, health, business, spiritual, physical and other challenges?

You have a role to play in the salvation of your soul, go and fulfill your part. Trust God!

Ayodele Adegbulugbe
Phone: +2348035978352

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