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Sunday, April 8, 2018


Ø ‘’ Sadly, many Christian believers are secretive about their faith because of their double lifestyles. They are in ‘secret service’’ in their offices and neighborhoods like Nicodemus who was a secret disciple. They are afraid to show up publicly for Jesus.’’ (copied: Our Daily Manna, October 12, 2017)

Ø ‘’ if you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father (Matthew 10:33)
Ø ‘’ Many Christians mark their bibles, but their bibles never mark them.’’ (copied: Our Daily Manna; October 11, 2017)

Ø ‘’ Be a Man of One Book: Read the Bible! (copied: Our Daily Manna, October 10, 2017)

Ø ‘’ What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do things that are strange in the eyes of others. But do not be daunted. Do whatever it is because you know within that it is right for you – Eileen Caddy

Ø ‘’Be yourself and do not struggle to be someone else. The elephant does not need to envy the lion because its purpose is different and that makes everyone unique. Stand on your own and do things that you believe are right even if they are strange to others (copied: Our Daily Manna; October 8, 2017).

Ø ‘’it is not possible to feed lambs and catch fish at the same time. The man who desires to be ahead of others must single out his specialty (copied: Our Daily Manna; October 8, 2017)

Ø ‘’One great cause of failure in life generally is lack of concentration.’’ (Andrew Carnegie)

Ø ‘’ the Me I see, is the Me I will become.’’  (copied: Our Daily Manna; October 1, 2017).

Ø ‘’ Walk in my shoes, see what I see and feel what I feel, then you will understand why I do what I do. Until then, do not judge me. (Anonymous)

Ø ‘’ The strongest are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do not know anything about.’’  – Jonathan Hamisch

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