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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Conception via Anonymous Semen: An Aberration?

There is a scriptural account in Genesis 38:9 of a man who had sexual intercourse but spilled his semen on the floor, wasting it and lost his life for that. He sought to have intercourse for the fun of it while avoiding attendant responsibility for procreation.

In other words, he enjoyed the pleasures of the sexual act but while seeking to avoid its procreative function, he spilled his semen in an unauthorized location thereby incurring the wrath of the Creator.
If a man could be killed for spilling his semen on the floor while having authorized and lawful sexual intercourse, how is his crime different from another man who spills his semen into a condom to be wasted?

Semen is sacred.

Semen contains life and is the instrument for procreation and multiplication of the human race. The natural destination of the semen is the female vagina and spilling it willfully, in unlawful destinations makes it an aberration.

The condom campaign encourages and promotes sexual immorality and irresponsibility among the unmarried for whom premarital sexual intercourse is a sin. The condom campaign tells them that if they cannot abstain from sex and cannot exercise self-control over their sexual desires, they should use condoms to practice safe sex whereby they can enjoy the pleasures of sex while avoiding responsibility for procreation.

In this view, the condom encourages immorality.

Same is applicable to the married class. The condom encourages a married spouse to seek for sexual pleasure outside his marriage having an assurance that the condom protects him against diseases and responsibility for possible procreation.

Sexual immorality breeds sexual diseases and marriage is the avenue to avoid the sexual immorality that breeds sexual diseases. Every man is to have his own wife and every woman is to have her own husband and every spouse should stick to his or her lawful partner for sexual purposes.

Endorsing the condom is endorsing sin and immorality. The Scriptures say that it is better to marry than to burn with sexual desires, if one cannot endure temptation. Until one is lawfully married, he is to flee fornication.Therefore, for the unmarried, premarital sex is an unlawful activity. Spilling the semen into a condom is another illegality and two wrongs do not make a right.

Rather than use a condom to practice a deceptive safe sex which looks like a safe sin, one should get married and have lawful sex within marriage. If he is not ready for lawful marriage, he is to avoid sex…as simple as ABC!

Society endorses the condom as being useful for birth control purposes. The natural family planning based on fertile and infertile days is the natural avenue for birth control and should be promoted.
There are some female contraceptives which actually terminate a life that has already been formed, and do not prevent any conception.

Science has proved that fertilization can occur within 3 days and at the point of fertilization, a zygote is created which is a new individual and a living being. It is after the zygote has been formed that some female contraceptives work to terminate the new life already created and that is pure murder…no more, no less! There are no safe sins.

The worldly concepts of safe sex which is a deception and encourages sexual irresponsibility and murder in some cases should be discouraged. Some governments have progressed from promoting safe sex through contraceptives to legalizing abortions. One sin always leads to another worse sin.

If it is a sacrilege to spill one’s semen on the floor, is it not also a sacrilege to spill one’s semen into the mouth of a woman, known as oral sex and a product of a sick mind?

If it is a sacrilege to spill one’s semen on the floor, is it not also a sacrilege to spill one’s semen into the anus of another, known as anal sex and an indication of a sick head and a reprobate?

If it is a sacrilege to spill sacred semen on the floor, does that not make masturbation or self-sex and other sexual perversions abominable sexual practices which indicate depravity?

Recently online was a discussion about an unmarried woman who became pregnant through an anonymous semen donor and was suspended by her church. Questions were asked whether the church was right or wrong.

In God’s Word, marriage is the institution ordained for procreation. Marriage comes first before sexual intercourse and pregnancy. Therefore, pregnancy without marriage or pregnancy before marriage is an aberration. Where an unmarried woman becomes pregnant without lawful marriage, it is known as fornication and an unlawful conception.

Where an unmarried woman becomes pregnant through an anonymous semen donor, it is an abnormal conception. The IVF technology is not condemned here. The IVF technology is one of the many modern day inventions that resulted from the increase in knowledge and travels predicted in Daniel 12:4.

The IVF technology enhances conception in a woman who cannot conceive naturally through sex by fertilizing the woman’s egg with the man’s semen outside her body and planting it in her womb to grow to maturity. But the semen that was used for the fertilization must belong to a man whom she was lawfully married to. Where this is not so, that is an abnormal process contrary to the Word of God.

If she was married but became pregnant through anonymous semen donor, it is still an abnormality if the semen that was used for the fertilization did not belong to her lawful husband.If one’s wife is impregnated by another man’s semen through normal sexual intercourse between her and the other man, is that not an adulterous conception? Would any sensible lawful husband accept that?

Where an unmarried woman who is a member of a church appears with a pregnancy through an anonymous semen donor and without lawful marriage to the owner of the semen, it is an aberration the church must not accept.

To accept it is to encourage a dangerous trend where women bypass marriage and become mothers through some abominable process of conception. We are in the Last Days where women want to have nothing to do with the institution of marriage yet want to have children without a known father claiming paternity.

Women do not want to recognize the headship of a husband and do not want to submit to the authority of the husband and become a good wife. Women are becoming rebellious and headstrong and are becoming mothers without formal marriage calling themselves Single Mothers...another aberration!

It is not all the modern day inventions that are beneficial to man and not all that conform to the will of God for man. Some are useful and beneficial to God and man while some are destructive and work against the will of God for man.

For example, a technology which encourages the termination and abortion of pregnancies already formed in the womb negates the will of God for man to multiply and replenish the earth.

Ayodele Adegbukugbe
Lagos, Nigeria.

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