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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Salvation: What is it and and who needs it? (1)

The Heavenly God needed a friend to have fellowship and relationship with, so he created Man.The first man was named Adam.Man is created in the image of God. There are several characteristics in the creation of man that include:
 God is holy and has no sin. He is light and in Him there is no iota of darkness. He created the Man a holy personality. That means that God did not create man a sinner.

 2ndly, God lives forever and cannot die. He created the man to live forever on earth which was created for the man to be his dwelling. God did not create man to die. If Adam had not sinned, you and I would live forever on Planet Earth without dying.

 3rdly, God created the man a free moral agent with freewill powers of choice and decision to make his own choices voluntarily.

 4th, God is a three-in-one Personality; therefore the man was created as a three-in-one person too, having a body, soul and spirit.

God placed the man in a garden known as the Garden of Eden with powers to exercise authority and dominion over all the works of creation, and to be fruitful and to multiply on earth. He also created a woman for the man to be his companion and a helpmate.

To test the man’s obedience, He gave the man and the woman a restriction based on a command not to eat of the fruit of a specific tree in the Garden of Eden, known as the tree of knowledge of good and evil with the warning that if they disobey, they would die (Genesis 2:17).

Prompted by the Devil not to believe God's Word, the man and the woman disobeyed God’s instructions and ate of the forbidden fruit. It should be noted that Adam and his wife voluntarily disobeyed by their powers of choice and decision.

The Devil merely deceived them but did not force them to eat the forbidden fruit. They chose to be disobedient to God. Disobedience and unbelief in the Word of God were the first sins and are the major sins in the lives of men to this day.

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