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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Salvation: What is it and who needs it? (3)

Salvation: What is it and who needs it? (3)

 Eternal death
The third type of death that resulted from the sin of Adam and Eve is eternal death meaning eternal separation from the presence of God forever and ever, time without end. To experience eternal death means to die in sin without salvation, without repentance and conversion, without regeneration of the soul.

Eternal death means to spend one’s eternity in Hell, the place of eternal torment for all sinners who died in sin. Hell is described in the Scriptures as an unquenchable fire that burns eternally with sulphur and brimstone where wretched souls wail and gnash their teeth in indescribable, unbearable pain.

By the mercies of God, you and I will not end up in eternal Hell in Jesus name.

In eternity, there are only two places of abode which are Heaven where God lives and Hell which is the eternal home of the lost souls who rejected God’s offer of salvation and are not qualified for admission into Heaven because nothing unclean will be allowed into it. When man lost eternal life during his fall in the Garden of Eden, eternal death replaced eternal life.

Man by his own wrong freewill choices fell from the position of great glory, headed for eternal destruction. Man is God’s greatest investment and because of His love for man, He brought up a plan of redemption to purchase eternal life for man. The plan of redemption constitutes the salvation of man. Its characteristics are as follows:

 Sin and death must be conquered to earn eternal life for fallen man. Sin is the problem in the life of man and must be conquered before man can be restored to favour with God.

 Blood must be shed for the remission of the sins of fallen man. Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission of sins (Leviticus 17:11).The blood of bulls and goats cannot atone for the sins of man who was created in the image of God (Hebrews 10:4).

 The blood of a sinner cannot atone for the sins of fellow sinners. The blood of a sinless person must be shed to atone for the sins of fallen man.

John 3:16
‘’ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’’

It was Jesus Christ, the Son of God who offered His life as a sacrifice to die for man to save man. He is God who came in human form and is our perfect sacrifice. He had no sin, knew no sin and did no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21) (1 Peter 2:22). His death was God’s plan for our redemption.

He laid his life of his own accord and freewill to save you and me from our sins (John10:18) and there are no other sacrifices that can take away sin (1 Peter 1:18-19).

Jesus died on the Cross at Calvary but on the third day he resurrected, conquering death. Through his resurrection, eternal life that was lost during the fall of man in the Garden of Eden has been restored. Jesus the Risen Christ is living and lives forever. That He is living and lives forever is our guarantee of eternal life (John 14:19) (Revelations 1:18).

Men now have two options to make a choice from, either eternal death or eternal life. Through the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, eternal life was lost and eternal death which replaced it became an inheritance. But through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Risen Christ, eternal life is now available to man but based on freewill choice.

What choice are you going to make?
Are you continuing on the road to eternal death or want to inherit eternal life? Remember that God forces no man because man is a free moral agent. One of the characteristics of God’s love for man is to allow him make his own decisions.

But it is God’s wish for you and me to choose life, ‘’…therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live.’’ (Deuteronomy 30:19)

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