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Monday, May 22, 2017

Message: Is the Fire Still Burning?

Message: Is the Fire Still Burning?
Texts: Luke 6:13; Habakkuk 3:2; Revelations 3:15-16; Revelations 2:4; Matthew 24:12.
In the Old testament, God dwelt in tabernacles built with hands but in the New Testament, he now resides in the hearts of men through the agency of the Holy Spirit which descended on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).

The moment a person yields to God through repentance and conversion, the Spirit of God comes into his life in some measure and a fire is kindled within which can either be kept burning or be quenched.

Leviticus 6:13 referring to the altar in the Ark of God in the Old Testament says:
‘The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar: it shall never go out ‘’

This is applicable to the Christian in the New Testament.

Our body is the temple of God and our heart is the altar of God within this temple. There are always two forces – God and Satan - seeking to gain control of the heart of a man and the one that gains possession and control determines the eternal destination of that soul either to eternal life or eternal destruction.

God is commanding that the fire kindled in our hearts during repentance and conversion be kept burning always and should not be quenched. We are expected to be growing in grace; growing in the faith and growing in the Lord.

Are we growing or are we stagnated in our Christian race? Examine yourself whether you are still in the faith? (2 Corinthians 13:5). Have we become lukewarm and neither hot nor cold (Revelations 3:15-16)? Has our love for God and the things of God waxed cold (Matthew 24:12)? Have we abandoned our first love (Revelations 2:4)?

Have we allowed the perilous times, the economic distress, the persecution of our faith, the tribulations, the famine of the times, fear of the sword, perils and nakedness to discourage us and to separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35-39)?

Are we on a spiritual vacation? The Christian race has no vacation because the forces of darkness are on a 24 hour-7 days a week full time battle against our souls. If we are not progressing, then we are regressing and degenerating.

Is our fire still burning? Are we sleeping spiritually? Can we die for the Lord like the children of the bondwoman who are always ready to die for their god and the cause they believe in and actually die for him?

Have we abandoned our Christian race like Demas and returned to the world of sin, darkness and iniquity? Remember Lot’s wife! She was already saved and delivered from the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah but looked back contrary to instruction and was destroyed. Are you looking back already or intending to look back (Luke 9:62)?

When last did you pray in the night alone? When last did you do a personal fast? Why are you lazy towards the study of the Word of God? Wake up!

It is time to wake up and to return to your first love and be strongly motivated like the children of the bondwoman for God. May heaven not vomit us (Revelations 3:16).
Christ did not promise us a bread and butter race to eternity but He assured us of a safe landing if we endure to the end (Luke 6:22) (Matthew 24:13). Have we abandoned holiness and righteousness and have we subscribed to the lies of the devil that holiness is not possible (Hebrews 12:14)?

Let heaven set you on fire again today. It is time to have a revival (Habakkuk 3:2). You need a revival where:

1)    You have lost focus of those things that are eternal (Colossians 3:2) and focusing on the things that are mundane, earthly and temporal.
2)    Your zeal for prayers, bible study and meditation, quiet times with the Lord, evangelism, holiness and righteousness, etc. is dying or totally dead (Revelations 3:1-2).
3)    You are no longer seeking first the kingdom of God and its righteousness (Matthew 6:33)
4)    You are running your Christian race without joy, as if you are being forced (Nehemiah 8:10)

Lord, have mercy on me and revive me again
Lord, rekindle your fire in me and restore me to my first love
Lord, rearrange my life and ministry
Pentecostal Fire of God, possess my life afresh
Holy Ghost, sharpen my spiritual axe
Holy Ghost, rebuild my armour (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Ayodele John Adegbulugbe

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